CNA Appreciation Week starts off June 18th and continues until June 24th!
History of the Nursing Aide
The need for CNAs developed from the shortage of nursing professionals during World War I.
During World War II, thousands of nursing aides worked through the American Red Cross Program to assist nurses. This pushed the request of the Office of Civilian Defense for the Red Cross to establish the Volunteer Nurse's Aide Corps. This soon became administered as a branch of Volunteer Special Services.
By 1945, the results of the recruitment campaign was the enlistment of about 212,000 volunteers, aged 18-50, who gave 42 million hours of service. This was the most successful nursing program of the Red Cross.
These volunteers were nursing professionals that were trained to perform non-technical work to give the nurses more time to attend to their profession duties.
Afterwards, Congress passed the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1987 (OBRA).
OBRA was created due to the quality of care of nursing home patients. Due to Medicaid and Medicare, these nursing professionals had to be certified for the nursing homes to be certified.
The certification means that the nursing professionals are going to provide reliable, safe nursing care and will meet strict criteria.
If you are a CNA, or know any one who is a CNA and want to join our team? Call us today!
Phone: 510-797-5300
